The Non-GEO Constellations Analysis Toolkit (NCAT) is an assembly of user-friendly analytics models to x-ray and benchmark LEO and MEO satellite constellations

What's new
Now offered as an online Web App, the industry-leading benchmarking toolset brings expanding capabilities and processing power. Users assess the impact of constellations dynamically, across both space and time domains, and with high resolution and speed.

Factual vehicle for diving into the key aspects that modulate addressability, bandwidth supply-demand dynamics and constellations’ competitive standing versus terrestrial networks.

  • Friendly web interface with point & click interactivity.
  • Comprehensive database for users to run simulations effortlessly.
  • Configurable via user controls (system, country/region, target segment, service plan, etc.)
  • Rigorously coded algorithms driving factual analytics and visualizations.
  • Vast amount of downloadable data for further processing outside the NCAT platform.
Watch demos on YouTube and contact Analysys Mason to learn more